What we offer

Toodo is not only meant to be a simple stay-overnight-spot. Instead, we want to give you several opportunities to be adventurous, lean about Kyrgyzstan and its culture and visit exciting places.

On this page, you will find a list of what we can offer you when at Toodo. Whether you stay with us for a night or two is up to you – but we would surely like to host you!

At and around Toodo

  • Hike to Kol Tor lake
    This is one of the most beautiful natural sites in Kyrgyzstan. When you are at Toodo or in the area, don’t miss out on the nice hike to the mesmerizing mountain lake. Check out how to get there.
Beautiful Kol-Tor lake.
  • Mountain outdoor cinema
    You might be tired after spending a whole day in the mountains, trekking, walking, hiking. But to let the day fizzle out nicely, we provide you with an outdoor cinema experience! We recommend the kyrgyz movie “Queen of the Mountains” – no better place to watch than here!
  • Cooking class
    You are wondering how some kyrgyz or central asian dishes are made? We got you covered! Bahram or someone else will cook some traditional food with you, yummy!
Some selfmade Plov.
  • Horse trekking to the waterfall
    The nearby waterfall can be reached on foot, but we also offer you a horse trekking experience to get there!
  • Village walking tour
    Toodo is not the only inhabited place in the Kegety Gorge. Directly next to us is a small village. If you are interested in traditional, rural living and how kyrgyz people make do in often harsh environmental conditions, we can expand your horizon. You can also check out a yurt!

Greater Toodo area

  • Bread baking in Tokmok
    Check out our page for this amazing opportunity.
  • Animal market in Tokmok (sundays)
    This is your chance to see a traditional animal market! Each sunday there is one in the nearby city of Tokmok. Trading animals is a long-standing part of central asian economic culture.
  • Visit Burana tower
    Burana is a what remains of a once big ancient city. The site has the famous tower as well as several other preserved structures like mausoleums and statues. The spot is en route between Bishkek and Tokmok and close to Toodo as well. More info on it here.
Burana tower.